I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge their last show, it was an honour. I would also like to thank the stewards for their sterling help. I was also very pleased to see my BOB go on to RBIS.
All hounds were very well presented and handled. Although some dogs were missing, I still had a good entry, thank you everybody.
Puppy 5 (2a)
A lovely class, all three were very nice puppies
1. Peach’s Kilbourne Samuel Pickwick:
Just six months old, a lovely dog. Nice muscle condition and good tight feet. Typical head with nice eye and neat ears. Correct bite. Dark wiry coat. Good angulation at front and rear. Nice chest. Very good easy movement. BPIB
2. Barter’s Kilbourne Saffron at Ehlaradawn:
11 month old bitch. More ‘racy’ type than 1. Very good eye and expression. Good movement but preferred movement of 1.
3. Peach Kilbourne Rosa Bud
Novice 3 (1a)
1. Quinton & Quinton’s Kilbourne Marie Claire at Kirjojax:
19 month old curvy bitch that had good substance and bone. Beautifully feminine head and expression, with neat correct ears. Harsh coat. Good strong neck leading into well constructed front with good depth of chest. Tight, knuckled feet. Moved well in profile.
2. Akehurst’s Tiobraid one in a Million:
15 month old pretty bitch Nice head with correct bite, lovely dark eyes and neat ears. Long strong tail. Pleasing coat quality. Movement not as true as 1.
Post Graduate 7 (4a)
1. Lindsay’s Celticmoon Shadowmagic at Silverthyme:
Four and a half year old bitch. Although strong and solid, this bitch retained her femininity. Excellent muscle condition with good bone. Crisp, harsh coat, lovely head and expression. Good spring of rib and tuck up. Lovely looking in profile. Moved well and covered the ground effortlessly. RBOB.
2. Davis’ Marivon Florence:
Almost 4 year old bitch. Nice head with pretty, soft expression and correct bite. Feet not so tight. A little reluctant on the move.
3. Quinton & Quinton’s Hyndsight Skirl:
Open 10 (3)
A really tough class with some stunning dogs.
1. Peach’s Tiobraid Solo Venture to Kilbourne:
A young dog at only 18 month old dog. Masculine without being coarse. Fantastic head with a very dark eye. Well angulated front and rear. Good length of rib leading to strong loin. Tight, well knuckled feet. Excellent movement (despite the fairly small ring) and held his lovely topline on the move. BOB RBIS
2. Peach’s Kilbourne Zoe:
4 year old bitch. Pretty bitch with typical deerhound ‘faraway’ expression. Shown in good strong muscle condition with harsh coat. Beautiful shapely outline, but didn’t seem in the mood today, which showed in her slightly reluctant movement.
3. Peach’s Kilbourne Max:
D Spring-Arnold